Acne and diet research Dr K Steventon explains acne diet causes

Acne and diet: an interview with Dr Katerina Steventon, researchers, honei, University of Hull.

Your most recent study examined the effects of high glycemic index on acne diets  Please give some examples of foods with high glycemic index?

The typical western diet tends to have a high glycemic index. Foods with high glycemic index, for example, white bread, processed cereals, snacks, cakes and desserts, sweets and foods such as instant as hamburgers and fried chicken.

Acne prevention diet Dr K Steventon explains acne diet causes

What we found, in your opinion?

We conclude that the evidence so far suggests that diet can improve or worsen acne to some degree. so, there is a acne diet plan connection. We believe that the recommendation for a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables and foods with a low glycemic index may be useful for patients with acne.

What mechanisms have been proposed to explain the relationship between acne foods high glycemic?

There is a complex interplay between the glycemic index and insulin sensitivity in acne hormonal mediators of pathology.

More research is needed to confirm the acne diets and diet facts and controversies?

Yes, more research is needed to confirm our results. In particular, research on the association of insulin resistance and acne, and the protective effect of anti-oxidants, probiotics and anti-inflammatory foods in certain populations of acne.

How do your results differ differ from earlier reviews?

We have critically examined the latest data on acne and bad diet  to determine whether they can make recommendations for clinical practice. Our results are consistent with the changes published since 2009, but we believe that there is strong evidence for conclusions.

What impact do you think is your opinion?

We suggest that the dietary recommendations based on evidence, can be a useful addition to conventional therapy acne dermatology practice.

Do you think that it will be possible in order to prevent acne by the offer?

We believe that we can improve severity of acne through the diet that is acne diet cure.
Prevalence among adult acne is believed to be on the rise. What do you think are the reasons?
In my opinion, lifestyle plays a role in acne condition is stress, lack of sleep, the quality of the environment and food.

What are your research?

We carry out a clinical study looking at the association of functional foods and acne diets in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

As a reader, you can get more information on acne diet plan myth

Steventon, K., Cowdell, F. (2013), the acne and diet: The latest data Dermatology Nurse 12 (2), 28-34.

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